
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks

Learning Topics: Control Systems, Industrial Technology, Process Control

Product Types: eLearning

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The Virtual Coupled Tanks by Quanser is a fully instrumented digital twin of a Quanser Coupled Tanks system. Mimicking the physical hardware so, learners can measure and control the coupled tanks (single pump and two tanks). The couple tanks lab system is a re-configurable process control experiment that enables students to perform a wide array of modeling and control related laboratories. This virtual lab is available as a 12-month multi-seat subscription that is compatible with the physical coupled tanks curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

With the QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks learners can configure the flows of valves between tanks and the rate. There are multiple configures like Single input single output or two or more tanks can be combined for a multiple input multiple output. This allows students to experiment and practice without using any physical products while still getting that hands on experience configuring each metric.

Product Details

Just like the physical coupled tanks the Virtual Lab equips each tank with a pressure sensor to measure the liquid level and allows different outflow valve configurations to direct the flow of the liquid. The flow rate can also be changed by using outflow orifices of different diameters.

Key features:

  • High Fidelity, credible lab
  • Full access to system parameters through MATLAB/Simulink
  • Comprehensive resources, Curriculum covering modeling and control topics


  • First-principles modeling
  • Linearization
  • Pole placement
  • PID control
  • Feed-forward

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