New Certifications and Training System for Supply Chain Automation Technicians
Posted on September 29, 2020

Supply Chain Automation is Growing Worldwide

The global supply chain is becoming more complex, automated, efficient and vital than ever before. Industry 4.0 technologies have disrupted every sector of the economy, and the global supply chain is part of this transition.

Every organization in the world depends on the work of individuals who are highly skilled in supply chain automation technologies.

New Supply Chain Certification

Now, students and technicians can receive industry-validated certifications for their skills in supply chain automation with the CT-SCA (Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation) credential. The CT-SCA was developed by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) in response to a growing demand for skilled technicians.

Skill Boss LogisticsThe National Center for Supply Chain Automation (NCSCA) is an NSF-funded organization that did extensive research into the growing rate of automation in supply chain, distribution and logistics sectors. MSSC collaborated with NCSCA to ensure the new certifications meet the needs of industrial employers worldwide.

The new certification can be broken down into three distinct focus areas: Equipment Maintenance (CTSCA-EM), Equipment Repair (CTSCA-ER) and Network Repair (CTSCA-NR). These are ISO 17024 accredited certifications.

Additional contributing partners in the development of the certification include the Material Handling Industry (MHI), NOCTI, and the Material Handling Distributors Association (MHEDA).

New Training System for Upskilling Technicians

After developing the certification, MSSC worked with Amatrol to design the Skill Boss Logistics, a bench-sized sorting and distribution system that comprises many of the components and skills used the logistics and distribution sectors.

This system can teach and assess over 100 hands-on skills that today’s technicians need in supply chain automation, including operation, equipment maintenance and repair.

For an in-depth look at what the Skill Boss Logistics system can do, watch this webinar on-demand.

Hear from the Experts

ATS was joined by the National Center for Supply Chain Automation, the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council and Amatrol to explore the economic impact and opportunity for supply chain.

How Can I Get Involved?

If you want to learn more about these certifications, implant them into your existing program or even launch a new course for supply chain automation…we can help. Fill out the form below and our team will walk you through your next steps to being a leader in supply chain automation.

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