
For over 40 years, Megatech has developed oilless, multi-fueled engines, electric dynamometers, and training programs for all areas of ASE certifications, including hybrid vehicles, diesel and alternate fuel programs. Training products and curriculum include Engine Performance, Electrical / Electronic Systems, Brakes, Suspension & Steering, Heating and AC, Manual Drivetrain & Axle, Automatic Transmissions, Hybrid Technology, Fuel Cells, Light, Mid-Duty and Heavy Diesel, Truck Brakes and Mobile Hydraulics.

Megatech has products for

Automotive Truck/Diesel
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Megatech has a comprehensive set of hands-on trainers for every automotive system, component and concept. These trainers are designed with authentic OEM components from the leading automotive manufacturers, so your students will be prepared for careers in automotive technology.

Topics include electrical systems, engine performance and repair, brakes, steering and suspension, heating and air conditioning, transmission and transaxle, as well as specific trainers designed for hybrid and electric vehicle technology.


Megatech’s hands-on trainers for heavy duty trucks and diesel vehicles covers every system, component and concept for automotive technicians in this space. These trainers are designed with authentic OEM components from the leading automotive manufacturers, so your students will be prepared for careers in heavy duty automotive technology.

Topics include electrical systems, engine performance and repair, truck brakes, steering and suspension, mobile hydraulics, heating and air conditioning, transmission and transaxle.