
Automotive eLearning


Recommended Skill Levels: High School, Technical College

Learning Topics: Automotive & Transportation, Diesel, Heavy Vehicles, Light Vehicles

Product Types: eLearning

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Automotive eLearning by Megatech. As instuctors know, you can no longer just “tell” students how things work, but provide varying means of bringing that hardware to life. Now the student obtains a complete and varied delivery from textbooks/handouts, to bullet points, questions, worksheets, animations, and assignments. The program covers the 3 areas of ASE technical requirements (MLR, AST & MAST), diesel fuel systems, hybrid cars with over 400 hours of interactive learning. It has over 1500 questions, 300 worksheets, assignments, glossary, toolbox, and main menu, web link and many activities. Instructors can access the Resource Database, which has 3Danimations, videos, and clear images that can be viewed full size via a LED projector.

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