Bayport Technical’s U-Tube Heat Exchanger Circulation Trainer with Backwash (110-HECT2) is a functional model with two circulation pumps and supply tanks for demonstration. This trainer is common in industries like oil and gas refining and power generation with common applications like heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, radiators internal combustion engines. The U-Tube Heat Exchanger trainer with Backwash is equipped with the valves and manifold required to demonstrate backwash operations.
Using the U-Tube heat exchanger trainer allows learners to fully understand a heat exchange system. This trainer can be disassembled and reassembled so learners can see each individual component and their role in the system. Learners are also able to see backwash operations with this trainer.
This trainer is equipped with two electric-powered centrifugal pumps, valves, and manifolds. The model base contains two reservoirs for the different colored fluids. The heat exchanger comes with the tube bundle (U-tube type), an 8” acrylic shell, and 1/2” acrylic tubes.
The dimensions of the U-Tube Heat Exchanger are 36” L x 24” W x 32” H and requires 110-120 VAC / 60 Hz power / 1-phase power.
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Heat Transfer Trainers: